Monday, October 29, 2007

Mendulang Emas di Bursa Berjangka

Mendulang Emas di Bursa Berjangka
Emas merupakan jenis komoditas logam mulia berharga. Masyarakat Indonesia umumnya mengenal dekat sarana investasi ini.
Sebagian dari mereka memilih emas sebagai sarana investasinya. Mereka melihat emas bukan saja sebagai sarana investasi akan tetapi juga sebagai tanda tingkat sosial individu di lingkungan sekitar.
Walau pengetahuan mereka terbatas hanya bentuk investasi emas dasar (dalam bentuk perhiasaan) akan tetapi mereka sudah bisa melihat bahwa emas merupakan sarana investasi yang baik buat mereka dalam jangka panjang.
Umumnya, mereka yang menginvestasikan dananya dalam bentuk emas, pasti menginginkan keuntungan, yaitu dengan mendapatkan selisih dari harga beli dan jual. Misalkan, Anda membelinya di harga Rp 90,000/gramnya, Anda akan menjualnya bila harganya naik menjadi Rp 9,200/ gram. Ini yang umum dilakukan.
Dengan bantuan teknologi emas bisa diperjualbelikan sebagai komoditas di perdagangan berjangka (future trading/margin trading). Artinya Anda tidak memegang fisik dari emas yang Anda beli, tetapi hanya memilki bukti administrasi atas kepemilikannya. Hebatnya lagi dengan berinvestasi dalam bursa berjangka, Anda tak harus menyiapkan dana besar atau modal besar.
Transaksi di BBJ
Berinvestasi emas di Bursa Berjangka Jakarta (BBJ) terkesan agak “lain”, karena Anda bisa menjual terlebih dahulu saat harga mahal dan membelinya saat harga murah (sell high, buy low).
Transaksi di Bursa Berjangka merupakan transaksi perdagangan, yakni mengurangi risiko dan sekaligus mencari keuntungan dari selisih jual-beli sebagai akibat perubahan harga komoditas yang diperdagangkan, dalam hal ini adalah emas.
Secara singkat, kontrak dagang berjangka adalah suatu kontrak untuk membeli (long) atau menjual (short) suatu aset dasar yang penyerahannya dilakukan pada masa yang akan datang sesuai harga yang terjadi di bursa saat kontrak jatuh tempo.
Pada posisi jual (short), seorang pelaku akan mengambil posisi jual terhadap komoditas untuk melindungi risiko penurunan harga pada masa mendatang. konkretnya, seorang pelaku memperkirakan bahwa harga komoditas akan menurun, sehingga dia menjualnya saat ini dengan harga yang lebih mahal dan nantinya bisa membeli kembali ketika harga komoditas sudah lebih murah.
Sementara itu, posisi beli (long), seorang pelaku memasang posisi beli pada suatu komoditas. Pertimbangannya, harga komoditas tersebut pada masa mendatang diperkirakan akan naik. Jadi, beli pada saat murah dan nanti bisa menjualnya kembali pada harga yang lebih mahal.
Untuk turut “bermain” emas di bursa berjangka, Anda cukup membayar margin di muka (initial margin) sebesar Rp 4 juta per lot (ukuran kontrak adalah lot, di mana 1 lot sama dengan 1.000 gram emas), dengan membuka rekening di salah satu pialang.
Selanjutnya, nilai per kontrak (lot) akan berfluktuasi seiring dengan naik-turunnya harga emas di bursa. Anda bisa saja menutup posisi Anda walau belum jatuh tempo, caranya dengan mengambil posisi sebaliknya dari posisi awal Anda pada kontrak yang sama.
Simulasi Transaksi Emas di BBJ
Misalkan harga emas pada kontrak berjangka emas (KBE) yang akan jatuh tempo akhir bulan ini berada pada level Rp 100.000 per gram. Ekspektasi Anda, bahwa harga emas dalam beberapa hari ke depan akan mengalami penurunan. Untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dari ekspektasi penurunan harga emas, Anda harus mengambil posisi jual (short) pada kontrak tersebut.
Anda membeli 1 lot KBE yana gkan jatuh tempo di akhir bulan ini, dengan initial margin yang harus disetor sebebsar Rp 4 juta. Andaikan pada hari yang sama, pada saat perdagangan ditutup, harga emas turun ke level Rp 99.000 per gram, pada posisi ini Anda sudah untung sebesar Rp 1 juta (1 lot x (Rp 100 juta – Rp 99 juta)). Dengan memasang posisi jual, Anda telah menjual seharga Rp 100 juta per lot dan sekarang Anda membelinya dengan harga Rp 99 juta.
Kalau keesokan harinya ternyata harga meas terus turun dan ditutup diharga Rp 98.000 per gram, Anda akan untung lagi sebesar Rp 1 juta (1 lot x (Rp 99 juta – Rp 98 juta)). Untuk merealisasi keuntungan, Anda bisa keluar dari “permainan” sebelum kontrak jatuh tempo dengan mengambil posisi beli (long).
Total keuntungan Anda adalah sebebsar Rp 2 juta, di luar biaya transaksi. Keuntungan Anda akan berlipat-lipat dengan semakin banyak jumlah lot yang Anda beli. Sangat menggiurkan bukan? Dengan bermodal Rp 4 juta Anda sudah bisa berdagang emas sebanyak 1 kg, padahal Anda sendiri tidak memiliki emasnya.
Tap apa yang terjadi bila perkiraan Anda meleset, harga emas bukannya turun malah naik, misalkna menjadi Rp 101 per gram. Nilai per lot menjadi Rp 101 juta (Rp 101.000 x 1.000 gram). Anda akan tertimpa kerugian sebesar Rp 1 juta (1 lot x (Rp 100 juta – Rp 101 juta)), sehingga saldo Anda akan berkurang Rp 1 juta menjadai Rp 2 juta. untuk terus “bermain” Anda harus menyetor dana tambahn sebebsar Rp 2 juta sehingga rekenign Anda menjadi sama dengan posisi awal sebesar Rp 4 juta.
Karena dalam “permainan” ini, jika, saldo Anda lebi kecil dari Rp 2,5 juta per lot (maintenance margin) Anda harus menyetor dana tambahan sehingga saldo rekening kembali pada posisi awal, yaitu sebesar Rp 4 juta per lot. Kalau Anda tidak menambahkannya, maka Anda harus keluar dari “permainan”.
Sebelum Anda “bermain” di BBJ tentunya Anda mempertimbangkan beberapa hal, misalkan terkait dengan masalah fundamental komoditi yang Anda ingin “mainkan”. Aspek fundamental terkait dengan stock komoditi tersebut, apakah permintaannya semakin bertambah atau malah berkurang? Dari sisi demand juga perlu dipertimbangkan.
Dan kedua adalah berkaitan dengan aspek teknikal. Dalam hal ini, alat utamanya adalah menggunakan grafik perkembangan harga suatu komoditas dalam kurun waktu tertentu. Ada dua factor yang perlu dipertimbangkan, yakni analisa garis support dan resistance. Yang dimaksud dengan garis support adalah garis yang menghubungkan titik-titik terendah dari harga suatu komoditas, sedangkan garis resistance merupakan garis yang menghubungkan titik-titik tertinggi dari harga.
Berdasarkan pengalaman empiris, seorang pelaku di bursa berjangka dapat mengambil posisi beli jika harga yang terjadi berada diatas garis support dan sebaliknya mengambil posisi jual. Kenapa begitu? Sebab, biasanya, harga akan bernajak naik. Sedangkan, kalau harga sudah berada di bawah garis support, sebaiknya lakukan penjualan.
Jika menggunakan garis resistance, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah apakah harga sudah berada berada di bawah garis tersebut. jika ya, biasanya, harga komoditas akan menurun, sehingga perlu dipertimbngkan untuk mengambil posisi jual.
Strategi yang Perlu Dilakukan
Secara umum sebelum Anda “bermain” di bursa berjangka ada beberapa stratetgi investasi yang sebaiknya dilakukan agar dapat meraih keutungan atau terhindar dari kerugian yang besar.
Yang pertama adalah batasi jumlah transaksi investasi Anda. Dalam praktik, transaksi BBJ harus melalui pialang dana investor wajib menyerahkan sejumlah dana yang disebut sebagai deposit margin yang besranya minimum Rp 10 juta. Tentu saja, setoran yang lebih besar diperkenankan.
Tapi, kalau Anda belum memahami dan merasakan bagaimana bermain di bursa berjangka, jangan tempatkan semua uang Anda disana. Dan ini juga sangat seuai dengan kaidah investasi yang mengatakan “jangan menempatkan semua telur dalam satu keranjang”. Karena itu, kami menganjurkan agar Anda hanya menempatkan sebagian kecil saja sebagai awal. Dan bila Anda semakin mahir, maka tentunya bisa saja Anda menambah kapan saja.
Kedua, bila ternyata pasar sedang stagnan atau tidak terjadi pergerakan harga yang signifikan, ada baiknya Anda mengambil sikap wait and see. Tapi kalau harga bergerak cukup fluktuatif, segera ambil posisi, termasuk keluar dari “permainan” bila ternyata pergerakan harga berbeda dari apa yang diperkirakan. Seorang pialang umumnya memberikan nasihat untuk melakukan cut loss bila floating loss (kerugian yang belum direalisasi) sudah mencapai sekitar 5% dari jumlah dana. Artinya, kalau Anda menanamkan uang sebesar Rp 10 juta dan harga komositas berubah dan Anda harus menanggung rugi sebesar Rp 500,000, keluar saja dari transaksi tersebut.
Sebaliknya, kalau harga bergerak seiring dengan perkiraan Anda dan Anda sudah mendapatkan floating profit, jangan serakah. Eksekusi dapat dilakukan pada saat harga sudah mendekati “optimum” misalnya pada saat harga sudah bergerak naik sekitar 10%.
Ketiga, masukkan aspek psikologis dan capital management dalam mengambil keputusan. Aspek psikologis, terkiat dengan rasa keraguan Anda dalam posisi transaksi yang Anda ambil. Bila dirasa kurang yakin maka keluarlah dari “permainan”.
Tapi tentunya saja jangan hanya keluar saja tanpa ada alasan yang cukup jelas. Selain itu, bila Anda baru saja mendapatkan keuntungan yang besar, jangan terburu-buru untuk menambahkan jumlah investasi Anda, karena hal ini bisa malah menjadi boomerang kepada Anda. bila Anda sedang dalam kebingungan, ada baiknya bila Anda meminta nasehat dari pensehat investasi.
Terkait dengan aspek capital, jangan memaksakan diri Anda. dalam bermain di BBJ Anda perlu mengetahui berapa besar risiko yang bisa ditanggung bila ternyata posisi yang diambil salah. Jangan memaksakan diri untuk menahan floating loss yang terlalu besar karena hal ini akan menyulitkan Anda untuk melakukan recovery.
Demikianlah beberapa hal berkaitan dengan investasi emas di Bursa Berjangka. Yang paling esensial dari berinvestasi adalah jangan pernah berinvestasi kalau Anda tidak paham karakteristik investasi tersebut. Bila Anda tertarik, maka ada baiknya bila Anda mencari perusahaan pialang yang kredibel dan mampu memberikan nasehat yang objektif kepada Anda. Selamat mencoba.
Diambil dari Harian Umum Sore Sinar Harapan Rubrik PERENCANAAN KEUANGAN. Rubrik ini diasuh oleh Tim Indonesia School of Life (ISOL) yakni Andrias Harefa, Roy Sembel, M. Ichsan, Heru Wibawa, dan Parpudi Lubis.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Babes In the Water

Baby in the Water

Building water confidence from a young age

 We recommend joining a scheme which follows the National Plan for Teaching Swimming.

 Are the lessons structured towards an awards scheme? The ASA has a range of Duckling awards specifically designed for this age group, which can be a great incentive.

It is important that both adult and baby feel comfortable with the set up of a class and have time to prepare for the lesson in advance

You can take a child of around 4-6 months swim¬ming, providing the conditions are right. However it is
unwise to take them swimming much before this
as they become chilled very easily. Never take babies to the pool with open sores or upper respiratory

Thinking about joining a class
The best age for children to start water activities
is around 4-6 months after they have had their
immunisations. This is not a condition of entry but
it is recommended. Before enrolling on a course
you need to find out the following information :

 Is there a pre-course meeting or information
leaflet to help you find out more information?

 Timings – do they fit in with the other demands
on your time eg. Picking up other children?

 Is the teacher qualified – ASA Teacher Certificate
(Adult and Child Water Activities)?

 How long are the lessons – 30 minutes maximum
is recommended?

 How are the lessons structured? Are there aims and objective for the course?

Babes in the Water
Where do you start?

Bath time is a great opportunity to familiarise your baby with a water environment and to prepare them for future activities in the swimming pool. Remember that your baby has been immersed in fluid for 9
months before birth and will almost certainly be
comfortable when put into water soon after birth,
as long as they feel safe.

Initially keep bath time short, reassure your baby
by smiling, talking to and maintaining eye contact.
Bath time should be fun for both adult and baby
and as washing still remains a priority it is an ideal
opportunity for your baby to become comfortable when being immersed and encourages adult
confidence when handling the baby in water.

From an early age babies will instinctively move arms and legs when immersed in water and will soon be smiling and happy. They should be encouraged to feel the support of the water but there are many activities, which your baby can experience and
learn from before moving to the swimming pool environment, usually around 4-6 months.

Initial activities
When putting a young baby in the bath always ensure that there is a non-slip bath mat and that
baby’s head is well supported. The initial focus should be to ensure that your baby is happy in
water, gradually becomes accustomed to feeling water on the face, begins to feel the support which
water can give and becomes familiar with moving their legs

Moving to the swimming pool
If your baby is well accustomed to being in the bath at home there should be few problems associated
with transferring to the swimming pool. However, some babies will find the transition a little daunting
and a few simple steps can make it a pleasurable activity for both adult and baby:

 Give your baby a very light snack 15-30 minutes
before visiting the pool.

 Arrive in plenty of time so that you are not
rushing and can stay relaxed.

 Take a familiar bath toy, this can help to put the
child at ease.

 Take a swimming costume for yourself and
sufficient towels for both yourself and baby.

 Avoid using nappies as they fill with water
and become uncomfortable and heavy. Use
a specifically designed disposable swim nappy
or costume.

 Have a positive attitude.

Rest before the lesson
Your baby should be alert when coming to its classes – a tired baby needs warmth and a snug place to
sleep – a pool is none of these. Water awareness
classes tend to make baby tired and you will find baby ready for a short nap after the lesson.

Get to know each other
Make friends with the other parents and babies. This will help make the lesson more relaxing and
your baby will learn more easily. If baby is enjoying the play with other babies they are less likely to get bored. Watching others enjoying the water will help your baby to join in and enjoy the water.

Points to always remember
 Submerge to your shoulder level. Babies held out of the water will soon become cold.

 Watch baby’s face – baby’s face is nearer to the water than yours. If you become distracted baby’s face may fall below the water. By watching their face at all times, you are also aware of baby’s reactions to the lesson and can respond quickly.

 Keep moving – your baby becomes aware that by moving their arms and legs they will stay afloat. Movement also generates heat, if you remain still in the water you and your baby will become cold

 Freedom – children eager to learn must be given freedom. You will have to experiment to find the best way to hold your active baby and which buoyancy aids might be useful.

 Be adventurous – do not be over cautious – use your imagination and play games.

 Allow the timid child time to adjust – do not hurry a baby who is cautious. Be patient, babies will learn in their own time.

 Understand why your baby is crying – babies communicate by crying and do so for many reasons, the least likely is being in the water. If you get out every time your baby cries they will begin to associate water with crying.

Monday, July 02, 2007

swimsuit for men and women

Women's swimsuits

Girls wearing one piece swimsuits.

One-piece swimsuits
tank suit, leotard or simply one-piece: probably the most common form of one-piece swimsuit, the tank suit form is inspiration for the subsequent creation of the tank top as a mainstream article of clothing. The name "tank suit" is derived from the term swimming tank, an obsolete term for what is now called a swimming pool.

• monokini: a term used for different styles of one-piece swimsuits inspired by the bikini style. Most commonly, a monokini is a bikini bottom without the corresponding top, worn by women, that leaves the breasts bare. Sling bikinis are sometimes, though not often, referred to as monokinis.

• thong swimsuit: One-piece swimsuit with thong back, buttocks exposed, otherwise ordinary

A woman in bikini

• sling bikini: also known as a "suspender bikini", "suspender thong", "slingshot bikini" or just "slingshot". The slingshot is a one-piece suit which provides as little, or even less, coverage (or as much exposure) as a bikini. Usually, a slingshot resembles a bikini bottom, but rather than the straps going around the hips or waist, the side straps extend upwards to cover the breasts and go over the shoulders, leaving the entire sides of the torso uncovered, but the nipples and pubic area covered. Behind the neck, the straps join and reach down the back to become a thong.[citation needed]

• Pretzel suit: a one-piece suit similar to a sling bikini, but the straps encircle the torso around the bottom of the ribcage, forming a very high-sided bikini bottom; instead of the straps passing over the neck and down the back, they simply encircle the neck, joining the straps which pass around the midriff.

• other types include stringbodys, halter-necks, maillots and plunge fronts.

Two-piece swimsuits

• bikini
o Thong, T-back or G-string
o tankini (A tank top combined with a bikini bottom)
o Freedomware, a two-piece suit that sits on the hip when folded up. (Can be worn by skinny dippers)

Men's swimsuits

A U.S. Marine in Jammers

A boy wearing boardshorts
• bikini: The style varies from a speedo to thongs or g-string
• thong: Style varies with pouch design, materials, colors and back (including Y-back, V-back and T-back variations)

• g-string: Minimum coverage front and back
• boardshorts: The length goes down to the knees
• swimming shorts or "trunks" (not referred to as trunks in Britain). Most French swimming pools forbid these for sanitary reasons.

• jammers: a type of men's swimwear worn primarily by competitive athletes to obtain speed advantages. They are made of nylon and lycra/spandex material and have a form fitting design to reduce water resistance. They provide moderate coverage from the mid-waist to the area above the knee, somewhat resembling compression shorts worn by many athletes. They provide greater leg coverage than speedos or competitive briefs, although they also have slightly more water resistance.

• speedos or briefs (trunks in Britain)
• Tangas, thongs, t-backs and g-strings.

Swimsuits types and styles

Swimsuits are designed to cover at least the genitals and in most cultures women's breasts. Men's swimsuit styles are shorts, trunks, boardshorts, jammers, speedo-style briefs, thongs, g-strings or bikini. Women's swimsuits are generally either one-pieces, bikinis or thongs. The most recent innovation is the burqini, a more modest garment designed for Muslim women; it covers the whole body and head (but not face) in a manner similar to a diver's wetsuit.
The monokini, a style of swimsuit that most often takes the form of a bikini bottom without the corresponding top, leaves a woman's breasts uncovered. Monokinis are quite common in many places throughout South America[citation needed] and Europe, though due to particularly stringent taboos they are almost never seen in the United States, except in places with a strong European tourist influence. For pre-pubescent girls leaving the chest uncovered is sometimes considered acceptable.
Special swimsuits for competitive swimming, designed to reduce skin drag, can resemble unitards. For some kinds of swimming and diving, special bodysuits called diveskins are worn. These suits are made from spandex and provide little thermal protection, but they do protect the skin from stings and abrasion. Most competitive swimmers also wear special swimsuits including partial and full bodysuits, racerback styles, jammers and racing briefs to assist their glide through the water and gain speed advantages (see competitive swimwear).
Swimming without a bathing suit is a form of social nudity. Special nude beaches may be reserved for nude sunbathing and swimming. Swimming in the nude is also known by the slang term "skinny-dipping". As an alternative to a bathing suit some people use their trousers, underpants or T-shirt as a make-shift swimsuit. At beaches norms for this tend to be more relaxed than at swimming pools, which tend not to permit this because underwear is unlined, may become translucent, and may be unclean.[citation needed]
Swimsuits are also worn for the purpose of body display in beauty pageants. Magazines like Sports Illustrated's annual "swimsuit issue" feature models and sports personalities in swimsuits.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

it's about swimsuit

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A swimsuit, bathing suit or swimming costume is an item of clothing designed to be worn for swimming. In New Zealand English and some areas of Australian English, swimsuits are usually called togs. This term is less common in other parts of the Commonwealth where it can also refer to clothes in general. Swimsuits can be skin-tight or loosely fitting and range from garments designed to preserve as much modesty as possible to garments designed to reveal as much of the body as possible without actual nudity. They are often lined with a fabric that prevents them from becoming transparent when wet.

Learn to swim programme

LEARN TO SWIM programme

Adult & Toddler
For toddlers aged between 21/2 to 31/2 years old.
Aim - to introduce basic swimming skills
Adult & Child
For children aged between 31/2 to 5 years old.
Aim - to introduce the fundamentals of each stroke

Children’s lessons
(for over 5 years of age)

Cygnets Unable to swim 5m.
Swan Can kick 5m on front and back with
(or Cygnets 2) confidence and swim 5m with aids.

Improver 1
Penguin 1 Can kick 10m on front and back and
swim 10m assisted / 5m unassisted.
Penguin 2 Can swim 10m on front.

Improver 2
Dolphins 1 Can swim 10m on back /
15m on front.
Dolphins 2 Can swim 15m on back and
25m front.

Seals 1 Can swim 25m front and back crawl.
Seals 2 Can swim 50m front and back crawl.

adults lessons
Unable to swim up to 15m.
Able to swim over 15m.
Can swim continuously for100m in two strokes

The above criteria are simple guidelines and technical ability is obiviously a vital part of the development process.
The swimming teacher will be able to provide further detail for each level.

parents common queries answered
Q Are all of your teachers qualified?
A All of our teachers have an Amateur Swimming Association Teaching Qualification.
Q May my child have to repeat a class?
A Yes pupils sometimes have to repeat a Learn to Swim level a number of times.
Unless it is deemed safe for the child to progress and that the child will cope with
the practices given in the next level, the child will not move on.
Q Why did my child hardly swim during their lesson?
A The pupils may on occasion, particularly early on in a block, do a lot of water
confidence skills therefore may only do only a few breadths or lengths. This does
not mean they are not learning or the teacher is not working them hard enough.
Q What happens if there is no space in the next class?
A If there is no space in the next level for the pupil to move onto they will stay on in
the same level until a space becomes available. If the parent decides this is not
worthwhile (although we assure you it is better to continue in the same class to
maintain the level achieved) the child’s name will be placed on the priority waiting
list until a space becomes available.
Q Why isn’t my child moving on like the other children?
A As you are well aware children develop at different rates and in swimming skills
this is no different. Your child may well progress at a different rate to a child of the same age

1. It is a good idea to purchase goggles as they help provide water confidence
and pupils are generally happier to open their eyes under the water with
them on.

2. If the pupil has long hair it is best to tie it back so that it doesn’t
interfere with the pupils stroke or breathing.

3. Do not eat a large meal within 2 hours of the beginning the lesson.

4. The more experience the child receives in a water environment the
better both for learning skills and the gaining of confidence. So please
encourage your child to visit the swimming pool as often as possible in
between Learn to Swim classes.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Stroke (Back crawl)

Swimming and Lifesaving Module

At the beginning of the last century two forms of backstroke were being
performed. Both had leg actions similar in shape and pathway to that of
a wide inverted breaststroke but the arm actions differed. In the
elementary backstroke the arms were moved, simultaneously, from
shoulder level to the sides of the body, followed by an underwater
recovery. The continuing quest for speed brought about an alternating
arm action and, later, an alternating upward and downward leg kick
leading to the development of the back crawl stroke. The modern
version of the stroke has the arm action balanced by the leg kick,
accompanied by a noticeable body roll and reaction at the hips and feet.
The degree of reaction depends upon the performer’s physical
characteristics, associated with the application of basic techniques।

Body Position
The body is as horizontal as possible whilst maintaining an effective leg
action completely under water, but near the surface. The back of the
head is in the water with the hips high. The knees remain below the
surface and the toes just dimple the surface on the up kick .
The position of the head is important because a raised head makes a
hips-up position difficult, leading to a type of sitting position in the
water. A further requirement is that the body is stretched with legs and
feet extended and this depends on flexibility and mobility. Swimmers
with stiff ankles find the body position and the leg kick difficult to
achieve, while others with good flexibility in legs and ankles will adopt a
good position naturally. Competent swimmers use a shallow dish shape
which places the shoulder girdle and hips in an advantageous position
for the effective use of arms and legs।

Leg Action
Efficient back crawl swimming depends on an effective leg kick. It is
often described as an alternating up and down kick, suggesting an
action in a vertical plane. This might well happen when the swimmer is
involved in practices with legs only; however, when the arm action is
used, the kick is part sideways, part vertical and then partly to the other
Before each kick up to the surface the knee bends, due to pressure of
the water against the front of the leg and ankle. It is accompanied by
some hip extension and movement of the leg backward, relative to the
spine (Figure 2). With the leg at its lowest position the up kick is
initiated by the powerful muscles of the hip. Then action passes to the
muscles which straighten the knee, accelerating the movement of the
pointed foot to the surface . At this time, intoeing often takes
place as a consequence of the natural structure of a flexible ankle joint.
Full extension of the knee occurs and the action ends in a whip-like
movement of the foot. The toes touch the surface if the pace is easy but
there is a lot of broken water in hard-paced swimming . The leg remains
straight for most of the downward movement with the sole of the foot
pressing on the water.
Whether propulsion is obtained depends on foot size, ankle mobility
and strength of legs. As one leg finishes its upward action the other leg
is at its lowest position with the foot some 30-60 cms (12-24 ins)
below the surface. The feet pass close to each other as the legs move
upward and downward।

Arm Action
In back crawl it is convenient to think of two possible extremes of

a) bent arm action or S pull
b) straight arm एक्शन

The bent arm action technique is the more effective because it uses a
shorter lever permitting a faster action and it has a more effective
propulsive force, being closer to the line of progression. The straight
arm technique is not truly straight because the hand follows a semicircular
pathway, centred on the shoulder, and it is at its deepest
opposite the shoulder . It will be recalled that a long lever
moves more slowly than a short one. It will be recalled, also, that every
action produces an equal and opposite reaction and therefore only in
the middle part of the straight arm action will there be a fully effective
reaction. The first and last thirds of the semicircular action will produce
reactions to one side or the other. Observation reveals the straight arm
action to be deep, relative to the line across the shoulders. Such action
is weak considering the effective use of the strong muscles of
shoulders, chest and back . This is because the straight arm
technique is accompanied by a flatter body position with less roll. For
three reasons, therefore, the straight arm technique is less effective
than the bent arm one:
a) A long lever moves more slowly giving a slower stroking rate
b) Mechanically it produces less propulsion
c) Anatomically, it tends to place the muscles of the shoulder joint in a
weak position for effective action. If there is elbow bend, the elbow
tends to lead the hand।

The entry of the hand is similar for both techniques. It is preferable if
the little finger enters in advance of the hand and this requires some
rotation of the wrist. If the shoulders are not flexible, the back of the
hand enters first and when this happens the hand has to turn as it sinks
into the water. Generally, the entry is in line with or very slightly wide of
the shoulders but skilled performers tend to move nearer the central

a) Bent Arm Action
Catch. The hand turns and shapes early and in skilled performances
there is a distinct press down before purchase is gained at
approximately 15 cms (6 ins)
Pull. As the arm pulls, the elbow begins to bend, and as the movement
continues the arm rotates so that the hand catches up with the elbow.
The degree of bend, approximately 90°, can vary between individuals
and sometimes between right and left arms. The head remains in line
with the body, whilst the shoulder on the pulling side drops to obtain
the most advantageous position for the strong pull-push action already
Push. Once the shoulder, elbow and hand are level, they are well
positioned for a powerful push. The hand continues to face towards the
feet until the arm is fully extended. For many swimmers, especially
learners, lack of strength may result in the push being weak in all or in
part. If the push is complete, it finishes with a fully extended arm b
elow the hips, the palm of the hand facing the bottom of the pool
A side view through the whole action shows the hand tracing a pathway
rather like a letter ‘S’ on its side (Figure 10).
b) Straight Arm Action
In this action the hand follows a semicircular pathway. After the catch
much of the pull is outward as the arm increases in depth, until it
reaches shoulder level; it is here that propulsion is most effective. As
there is very little bending at the elbow, the remainder of the action, the
push phase, tends to be inward towards the hip where it finishes. At no
time should the hand be lower than body depth।

In this phase of the stroke the straight arm is lifted from the water
vertically, and returned directly to the entry position
There will be variations of the hand position in recovery and in the
manner of arm rotation required to allow the little finger to lead for
entry. However, the whole action should allow a smooth and flowing
transition between propulsion and re-entry. The rolling of the body aids
recovery by raising the upper shoulder clear of the water, thereby
reducing resistance.
The re-entry of one arm coincides with the full extension of the other at
the end of its propulsive phase।

As the face is out of the water throughout the stroke, breathing should
present no problems. However, since it is important to breathe at
regular intervals, the method most commonly recommended is to
breathe in as one arm enters the water and to breathe out as the other
one enters।

The co-ordination of arm and leg action develops with practice.
Normally, six beats of the legs occur during one complete arm cycle.
The opposite leg kicks downward at the beginning of each arm pull.
This helps to balance the body as in walking and running, when one
arm swings forward as the opposite foot steps forward, and vice versa.